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How to Become a Weight Loss Coach in 2024

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Are you wondering how you can become a weight loss coach?

You’re in the right place. Today, you’ll learn how to start a successful weight loss coaching business so you can quit your job and be your own boss doing something you love.

Want to learn more? Read on. 

What is a weight loss coach? 

A weight loss coach is a coach who helps clients lose weight. You see, successfully losing weight is built upon structure and consistency and weight loss coaches help keep clients accountable through proven processes. 

Health coaching overall is associated with significant weight loss in overweight and obese adults. In a study, participants lost 7.24% of their initial weight after 12 months and 6.77% after 24 months thanks to coaching. 

So, why would someone want to become a weight loss coach, specifically?

First off, it’s a chance to make a real difference in people’s lives by helping others regain their confidence, achieving a lifelong goal, building a healthy lifestyle, and becoming healthier. 

But, that’s not all. By starting your coaching business, you get to be your own boss without the 9-5 grind. You set your own schedule, pick and choose clients, and can design your unique programs to fit your own lifestyle, availability, and expertise.

As a weight management coach, you get to: 

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest research and constantly expand knowledge
  • Deepen your understanding of nutrition, fitness, and overall well-being
  • Discover innovative weight loss techniques
  • Build healthy routines that fit different lifestyles
  • Prove that your expertise creates real results

So, if you’re seeking a fulfilling career that makes a positive impact, embraces flexibility, and fuels your passion for wellness, becoming a weight loss coach is a great choice.

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But what exactly does a weight loss coach do? Here’s what you need to know. 

What does a weight loss coach do? 

Now that you know what a weight loss coach is, let’s break down what this job involves. Here are some typical things included in a weight loss program. 

  • Goal setting: A weight loss coach helps set realistic and achievable goals for their clients by breaking them down into manageable steps.
  • Meal planning: Weight loss coaches dive into reasons for weight gain, eating habits, preferences, and the nutritional needs of their clients to create personalized meal plans. 
  • Fitness motivation: You get to find fun and effective ways to get moving. Whether it’s finding the perfect workout routine or suggesting activities that fit certain lifestyles, you become a daily motivator to encourage clients.
  • Accountability training: A good weight loss coach keeps clients on track by keeping them accountable. You’ll check in with them regularly, celebrate their victories, and offer guidance when needed. 
  • Navigate troubleshooting: When clients hit a roadblock, it’s your job to help them face the challenge. Coaches help identify barriers, brainstorm solutions, and keep clients focused on the bigger picture.
  • Mindset coaching: Weight loss is more than physical. Weight loss coaches help cultivate a positive mindset and overcome past beliefs that could hinder progress.
  • Support system: One of your biggest roles as a weight loss coach is to become the go-to person to offer support, encouragement, and, when needed, tough love throughout someone’s weight loss journey.

In short, weight loss coaches provide the structure, accountability and game plan for clients to meet their weight loss goals. Here’s a quick video that explains exactly what effective coaching looks like:

However, your coaching program depends on your methodology. For instance, my student David is a weight loss coach who helps people use herbs to achieve their goals.

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But, how much do they earn? That’s next.

How much do weight loss coaches make?

According to the Coaching Federation’s 2023 global survey, the average annual salary for coaching rose by 12% between 2019 and 2022, bringing it up to $52,800 U.S. dollars.

When it comes to the average weight loss coach salary, it can vary depending on factors like experience, location, and work setting. To give it a range, the average weight loss coach makes around $40,000 to $60,000 per year.

But, those salary figures are just the average.

If you start your own business, you are in charge of your income. Becoming a weight loss coach gives you the freedom to set your rates, attract clients who value your expertise, and scale your business as you wish. 

Being your own boss also means you keep more of your money. Instead of working for someone else (like a gym) and giving them a cut, you’re in control of your income. Plus, as more clients get results after working with you, you can command higher fees for your services.

But do you need a degree or credentials to start a weight loss coaching business? Let’s take a look. 

Do you need a degree to become a weight loss coach? 

Do you need certifications or degrees to become a weight loss coach? 

Not necessarily. 

The most important thing is that you have experience and can help your clients get results. Ultimately, that’s what they care about. 

What’s more, there are no regulated certificates in this industry. Any certifications are unregulated, so even if you do get a weight loss certification, you should do so from a credible institution. 

Here are three popular certifications in the weight loss coaching world including examples of reputable programs in each sector:

  • Certified Personal Trainer (CPT or PTC): This certification focuses on fitness and exercise principles, which are essential components of weight loss coaching. A CPT equips you with knowledge about designing effective workout programs, understanding body mechanics, and guiding clients safely in and out of the gym.
  • Certified Nutrition Coach: Nutrition and weight loss go hand in hand. This certification gives you scientific insights on healthy eating, meal planning, and understanding nutritional needs. It covers topics like macronutrients, portion control, and dietary guidelines.
  • Certified Health and Wellness Coach: This certification encompasses a broader approach to wellness, not dieting and fitness. It provides education on elements like stress management, behavior change, and overall well-being.

It’s important to note that for some niche weight loss categories like those tied to physical/mental limitations, an official certification may be necessary. Always do your research before offering certain services to clients.

While these certifications can provide valuable education, other foundations you should build to become a weight loss coach are:

  • Gaining real-world experience working with clients
  • Staying informed about the latest research and trends
  • Continually expanding your knowledge through self-study
  • Always testing, analyzing, and updating your programs
  • Expressing a genuine passion for helping others

Ultimately, the decision to pursue certifications or degrees depends on your personal goals, budget, and desired level of expertise. 

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The transformation you offer to your clients is what truly matters. 

Let’s move on to what you need in order to start your weight loss coaching business. 

How do you become a weight loss coach? 

Want to start your weight loss coaching business? Here are the steps to take to become a weight loss coach while in your 9-5. 

Decide on how you want to position yourself 

There are many coaches out there, so what makes you different and why should people choose you? This determines how you establish your brand and position yourself in the market.

Think about your unique strengths, personal values, and the specific niche you want to serve. What life experiences drove you to become a coach? This may help you find your niche.

For example, maybe you came from a crazy corporate job and now you specialize in working with busy professionals. Or, maybe you had children and now want to help other moms focus on sustainable weight loss through mindful eating. 

Finding a niche can help position yourself in the market and find the types of clients you’d prefer to work with.

In short, determine what sets you apart and use that as the foundation for your brand. For more on the topic, check out these 5 strategies to branding your coaching business.

Create a weight loss coaching package

Now let’s talk about how to price your weight loss coaching packages. This can be a bit tricky, but the goal is to find a balance that reflects your expertise and the value you provide while remaining competitive in the market.

Consider factors such as your experience level, how in-depth your programs are, and how long it takes. You can further tailor packages with other specific services, like bi-weekly versus weekly phone or Zoom check-ins, or customized nutrition plans versus more generic plans.

Need help? Research what other coaches in your area or niche offer as a package and see what they charge to get an idea of the price range, and adjust to the factors we listed above.

Still no idea where to start? Here’s a fool-proof method.

Start by offering a three-month coaching package. Why? Because 90 days is long enough for clients to start seeing weight loss results. For this three-month package, decide what the “flat-rate” will be. 

Many new coaches fall into a trap of offering hourly rates. Avoid these because one-off hourly sessions don’t help build a truly sustainable business. 

Plus, flat rates are more predictable financially speaking.

A good starting point for any three-month coaching program is $1,500. There’s no “right” price for coaching–it all depends on the results you help people achieve. 

Then, test the waters! You may be able to charge much more than this. Many coaches charge upwards of $5,000 per program.

When figuring out how to create a high-end coaching package, just remember that promoting yourself and attracting new clients is more important than “perfecting” your package. 

It generally takes one to three clients to figure out the right pricing strategy and offering.

Here’s more on how to create your first package:

Market and sell your weight loss coaching services 

Now, let’s talk about marketing your services. Selling your services is easier than you might think – in fact, you don’t even need a website to start and you can pretty much get started right away using the skills you have. 

Instead, your focus should be on getting your first client

You can do this in different ways, but the easiest is to first tap into your network. Your friends and family are people who already trust you, so they’re most likely to say yes to working with you. 

Another option is to start building relationships on social media. 

The key is to provide value and build genuine relationships. Share relatable content, success stories, and helpful tips. Embrace transparency and talk about your own weight loss journey (if applicable) so others can connect with you on a personal level.

You can also collaborate with others to cross-promote each other’s services. This can expand your reach and increase your visibility to existing audiences. Partner with other weight-loss professionals like:

  • Personal trainers
  • Group fitness trainers
  • Nutritionists and dieticians
  • Wellness, fitness, or lifestyle bloggers 
  • Weight-loss related podcasts
  • Med spas that offer weight-loss services

Or get on a podcast as a guest. You see, podcasts are highly engaging and if someone, who already trusts the podcast host, listens to you for an hour, they will quickly start trusting you, too. 

Here are a few more client acquisition strategies to try:

Ultimately, you should choose one or two of these strategies to get your first clients. That’s the secret to getting faster results especially as you’re in a 9-5 instead of trying to do it all at the same time.  

I grew my own business (I helped entrepreneurs use digital advertising) to over six figures in four months while I was in my 9-5. And I did it by intensely focusing on what really mattered – the few steps I needed to consistently take every day to get results.

In my case, I got my first clients from social media groups. I’d go in there every day, sharing value and after a while, people started noticing me and got interested in my services. Those core marketing and sales actions took less than an hour every day and a few hours during the weekend. 

So understand what steps YOU need to take (reaching out to your network, posting on social media…) and start taking action every day. 

Over to you!

That’s it! Now you know the steps it takes to become a weight loss coach.

Get the Ultimate Guide

for building a
6-Figure Coaching Business so you can achieve more freedom!

By following the plan outlined above, take small and consistent steps towards your goal of being your own boss and a weight loss coach.

Remember, building any successful coaching business takes time and dedication. Be patient and adaptable as you keep refining your skills and strategies along the way. Before you know it, you’ll be living your dream and helping others along the way.

Want to get started?

Get my FREE PDF that shows you how to start a six-figure coaching business!

Learn more:

Guide to Become a Health Coach

How to Become a Wellness Coach

How to Become a Nutrition Coach

About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online Freedom Business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

Hope you enjoy this blog post.

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